Teen Anthology: Write Your Own Adventure

Accepting Submissions November 1st-December 31st

We’ve all heard of the amazing book series where you become the character who makes unique choices to determine your own fate. It’s always thrilling to see which twists and turns are around each corner, and maybe you even go back and re-read the same book over and over, looking for different outcomes. The unexpected threads are the very best part.

Well, this year’s theme is NOT to write a typical adventure with different threads and endings…

It’s more along the lines of Writing an Adventure…of Your Choosing.

We still want those unexpected twists and turns. We want protagonists who make daring choices that determine their actions and outcomes. We want magic and mayhem and love and fear. We want it all—from deep space romances, gritty westerns, sassy fairy tales, and epic journeys—and we want it in your voice, your style, and as your unique brain child. Wherever YOUR imagination takes you, that’s where we want to go!

So, come on, take us on an adventure of your choosing!

fantasy-2770468_1920 (1)The Details (please read carefully):

  • This is a TEEN anthology. Only writers between the ages of 13-19 will be considered.
  • There is NO entry fee.
  • Maximum word count is 6,000.
  • Stories should be new and NOT published elsewhere.
  • Submissions will be accepted from November 1st-December 31st.
  • All entrants will be notified of their story’s status by January 15th.
  • The anthology will be available for purchase at Teen Author Boot Camp 2020 in Provo, UT and on Amazon after the conference.
  • If your story is chosen, you will receive a contract and additional details about edits, payment, and final due dates.

All stories chosen for publication (not finalists) will receive $20, a custom TABC name badge to wear at the conference, and one print copy of the anthology to be picked up at the pre-release party or the TABC conference, both located in Provo, UT. (Authors unable to attend the conference or launch may request to have their items mailed to them.)

Ready to enter?


**This anthology is published in partnership with Teen Author Boot Camp, the nation’s largest writing conference specifically for teens.**