Our mission is to publish world-altering stories, both fiction and non-fiction.

Please make sure that your novel is finished, polished, and the best it can be. When your final book is ready:
Send a one-page query letter that includes a description of your book and a short bio.
Paste the first thirty pages in the body of the email (messages with attachments will be deleted, unread).
Email to submissions@owlhollowpress.com. Include the word QUERY in the subject line.
Current Wishlist
Environmental Fiction
Witchy Fiction
Women’s Fiction
In general, we have a wide range of interests: romantic fantasy, mind-bending science fiction, thrillers, dark paranormal, horror, historically-based contemporary, and contemporary teen love stories.
Look at our current list, and if you think your story is a fit, we'd love to see it!
We love non-fiction! Whether it’s for teens or adults, we are always on the lookout for strong, innovative ideas that add to a larger conversation.
You do NOT need a completed project to send a non-fiction proposal. Please submit a proposal that includes:
A concise overview of your projects, how it adds to the conversation of what’s already been published, and why it’s unique.
Your bio/credentials for writing the book.
An outline of the book.
A sample chapter.
How much you’ve written and what your projected timeline is.
Paste the first thirty pages in the body of the email (messages with attachments will be deleted, unread).
Email to submissions@owlhollowpress.com. Include the word PROPOSAL in the subject line.
Current Wishlist
Environmental Topics
STEM Topics
Pop Culture
Writing and Creativity
In general, we’re mostly interested in topics related to pop culture, geek culture, feminism, and where academia intersects with culture.